Thursday, March 15, 2018

Are religious rituals or religious beliefs more important?

Another view:
The rituals of a religion are the outward signs of an inner grace. Belief €“ the basic premise
upon which our human behavior depends €“ is the essential heart of a religion. Whether ones
deeds on Earth are rewarded/punished in the afterlife, whether the Almighty is the Creator of
the Universe, whether the Almighty is watching us as individuals, whether our deeds are answered
with karma €“ these are the important parts of any religious belief. The rituals of the
Catholic mass, the Muslim daily prayers, and the prayer flags of Buddhism are all examples of
human beings' attempts at making tangible and visible the mysteries of belief that defy
science and logic. However valuable rituals may be to a congregations solidarity, they are
empty gestures without faith in the beliefs.

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