Sunday, March 25, 2018

There are three famous figures of speech Edwards develops in the fourth through seventh paragraphs of "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." What...

minister 's "fire and brimstone"
sermon sent many of his congregation running from the
church in terror as
they imagined the heat of hell's torments along with Edwards's threats of an

angered God who knew their sins and designed punishments that the minister graphically
reached a crescendo of tormenting images. In addition, his
repetition of the word  no

and nothing also generated great fear. 

In his sermon, Edwards compares hell to a pit and a furnace using such figures
speech as "the torments of hell," "the flames of hell," and
fire." Further, he speaks of the devil as "the old serpent" who
gaping" for the sinners. "Hell opens its mouth to receive them," Edwards
using .

Further, he repeatedly employs expressed
metaphors that compare
sinners to spiders and serpents:

The God that holds you
over the pit of hell, much
as one holds a spider...abhors are ten thousand times more

abominable in His eyes than the most hateful venomous serpent....

In an extended , Edwards speaks of "The bow of
God's wrath" whose arrow is
ready and pointed and bent and "strains the bow"
as the sinners continue in their
wretched ways. The bow is God's anger at
sin, the arrow is the punishment.


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