Sunday, March 10, 2019

In chapter 5, what do we learn about Miss Maudie?

Miss Maudie
lives across the street and down a
few houses from the Finches. She is the complete opposite of
the gossip Miss
Stephanie Crawford. Miss Maudie minds her own business and doesn't get caught
in other people's lives.absolutely loves Maudie for her strength of
character and integrity.
Scout first describes her as follows:

"Miss Maudie
hated her house: time spent indoors
was time wasted. She was a widow, a chameleon lady who
worked in her flower
beds in an old straw hat and coveralls, but after her five o'clock bath she

would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty"

Miss Maudie not only allows the
children to run around in her yard,
but she also bakes them little cakes and
treats them like friends. As a result, Scout feels safe
enough to ask her
what she thinks about therumors.

Fortunately, Miss Maudie

dispels some of Scout's fear by telling her that she knew Boo when he was a child, and
that he
was very soft-spoken. She also mentions to Scout that Boo had a very
difficult and strict
father, so life probably wasn't easy for him at home.
Therefore, Miss Maudie is a lot
likebecause she shows Scout how to look at
people in a different way and not to listen to
gossip. Miss Maudie is a good
woman and a good example of kindness and integrity for the


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