Friday, March 8, 2019

What is a description of the power of Edgar Allan Poe's landscapes in his poem The Raven?

students questionwhat is a description of the power of landscapes in s poem
can, perhaps, best be answered with reference to a broader examination of
this particular authors works of literature. The reason for the reticence to limit the answer to
The Raven, a poem that is certainly heavy in , is that much of Poes more
famous works take place inside confined spaces, whether homes, castles, or, in the case of the
unnamed narrator of The Raven, a chamber or library. Poes macabre stories
and poems, most often, involve the terror of the mind; in other words, psychological
deterioration that results in paranoia and insanity. The outside world is usually uninvolved in
terms of settings. Indeed, in one of Poes more popular stories, , the
outside world is only alluded to for the purpose of marking the contrast between the sanctity of
the interior of Prince Prosperos abbey and the horrible scenes...


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