Friday, April 12, 2019

What is the plot of Sophocles's Oedipus Rex?

The plot of 's
adheres to Aristotle's three unities: unity of place, unity of time, and
unity of action. Unity of place means that all of the action occurs in just one location; in
this case, it is the front steps of the palace whereresides with his wife, . Unity of time means
that all of the action takes place within one day. Unity of action means that there is just one
main plot and not lots of other smaller subplots.

Oedipus walks out onto the
palace steps and sees suppliants there, praying for divine aid. Thebes suffers terribly from a
blight on the crops as well as a sickness in the livestock. Oedipus has already sent his
brother-in-law, , to the oracle to ask for help, and he assures the Thebans that he feels their
pain even more than they do. Creon says that finding out who murdered the former king, Laius,
will end the sickness, so Oedipus vows to figure it out and cast out whoever it is. Oedipus then
sends for the blind prophet,, who...

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