Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Based upon the movie or novel 1984,- What is the "secret" torture of room 101 and how did this "secret" succeed in reprograming Oceania's dissident...

After being
caught by the Thought Police,is taken to Room 101, the torture room where physical and
psychological torture is employed. It is a white porcelain room that is windowless with a high
ceiling. The room is flooded with light from hidden lamps, and a low, humming sound permeates;
there is a bench and a lavatory and four telescreens in this barren room.enters and begins
Winston's "correction." This involves physical and psychological torture.  O'Brien
answers some of Winston's questions, but will not tell him if Big Brother exists. 

After electric shock is applied to Winston, O'Brien asks Winston, "What country is
Oceania at war with?" Winston replies that he does not remember. He says this because he
knows it is always at war with Eurasia or Eastasia so that it will keep people at
"peace"--War is Peace. Oceania stays at war because doing so
keeps the people united against an enemy. Later, O'Brien asks Winston how many fingers he holds
up and Winston replies correctly. Then, O'Brien only holds up four, but tells Winston there are
five. Winston agrees even though he sees only four; defeated by the torture, Winston resists
more electric shock. Still, Winston remembers the truth as

one remembers a vivid experence at some remote period of one's life when one was in
effect a different person.

At the end of Chapter II of
Book Three, Winston asks O'Brien what is in Room 101. "Everyone knows what is in Room
101," O'Brien replies as a needle goes into Winston's arm. In Chapter III, O'Brien tells
Winston that his "reintegration" is to begin. After his conversion through torture,
Winston wakes one morning and calls out 's name; it is then that he is taken to Room 101 because
his emotional "progress" has not been complete. In Room 101 the enemies of the state
are converted completely because it addresses the enemies' basic fears.

101 is "the worst thing in the world." For each individual, this "worst
thing" is what that person dreads the most. Pain is not enough; it must be "the
unbearable" O'Brien explains.

"There are
occasions when a human being will stand out against pain, even to the point of death. But for
everyone there is something unendurable--something that cannot be contemplated. Courage and
cowardice are not involved.

For Winston, the rats are the
"unbearable." When O'Brien tells Winston that he will release the rats onto Winston's,
face, Winston betrays Julia, screaming that she should be subjected to this torture, not he.
Satisfied that Winston has relinquished his emotional attachment to Julia, he puts away the cage
of rats. 

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