Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How is the topic of 'Dependence on men' illustrated in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

The topic of
"dependence of men" is illustrated in 's in two ways:
women are dependent on men because they have no
, and, women are dependent on men but do
not need to be if they do not wish to

The first
instance, the theme of women being dependent because they have no
is illustrated at the beginning of the play in the dynamics of
the Eynsford Hills. Mrs. Eynsford Hill and her daughter, Clara, follow the Victorian propriety
of allowing "the male" take care of them, in this case, the man of the house
is Frederick Eynsford Hill, the elder brother of Clara. However, he is not the type of man that
neither his mother, nor his sister, would be entirely proud of. He is a bit weak of mind, body,
and character. He is also not extremely bright. Evidence of this is illustrated in the way that
he is treated when he, as the man, is unable to find a cab for his mother and sister.

THE MOTHER: You really are very helpless, Freddy. Go again; and
don't come back until you have found a cab.

FREDDY: I shall simply get soaked
for nothing.

THE DAUGHTER: And what about us? Are we to stay here all night
in this draught, with next to nothing on. You selfish pig

Hence, we can assume that the women are only dependent on him because that is what
society has taught them to do.

The second statement,
women are dependent on men but do not need to be if they do not wish
is illustrated in Eliza's dynamics with both Fredrick and Higgins.
As a woman who always did for herself, Eliza has always had a choice on whether to need or not
to need. When she meets Fredrick she appreciates the fact that he is devoted to her. However,
she knows that she cannot count on him too much.

desire to have Freddy in the house with her seemed of no more importance than if she had wanted
an extra piece of bedroom furniture.

We also learn about
how things go in their marriage, and after their attempt to open a flower shop.

Freddy, like all youths educated at cheap, pretentious, and
thoroughly inefficient schools, knew a little Latin. It was very little, but enough to make him
appear to her a Porson or Bentley, and to put him at his ease with botanical nomenclature.
Unfortunately he knew nothing else; and Eliza, though she could count money up to eighteen
shillings or so, and had acquired a certain familiarity with the language of Milton from her
struggles to qualify herself for winning Higgins's bet, could not write out a bill without
utterly disgracing the establishment.

Meanwhile, with
Higgins, at one point Eliza really thinks that the natural course of their relationship would be
to be married.  However, she realizes that Higgins has no inkling for love and she much rather
be his competitor, his challenger, rather than his amiable companion and his

LIZA: [with sudden
I don't care how you treat me. I don't mind your swearing at me. I don't
mind a black eye: I've had one before this. But [standing up and facing
I won't be passed over.

HIGGINS: Then get out of my way; for
I won't stop for you. You talk about me as if I were a motor bus.

you are a motor bus: all bounce and go, and no consideration for anyone. But I can do without
you: don't think I can't.

And she is right! In the end,
Liza gets her way and it is she who carries the stronger character, dealing with life, work,
home, and Higgins as well, as a peer. She chooses not to depend on

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