Thursday, August 29, 2019

What causes someone to stop resisting? Why do the Jews and other prisoners resist the urge to stand up against the Nazis! Additionally, what causes...

The Nazis
enacted a plan of total extermination
against the Jewish people during the Holocaust. When Jews
were stolen from
their homes and forcibly sent to concentration camps, they were either
or kept as prisoners, forced to provide slave labor for the Nazis.
In order to maintain order,
the Nazis kept their prisoners nearly starved so
that they were physically weak. They did not
allow for adequate sleep or rest
which also contributed greatly to their physical weakness. The
Jews who
survived were forced to witness mass amounts of executions, and were
tortured. The horrendous living conditions, exposure to brutal
weather, constant subjection to
cruelty and abuse, brutal labor conditions,
and daily executions all created an environment that
encouraged feelings of
absolute hopelessness and despair. The Nazis intentionally separated
and loved ones, and often forced loved ones to witness each others'
It is completely understandable that in such a terrible
environment, and in malnourished
condition (and often injured), that a person
would feel unable to confront their

Some people,
however, found an inner strength or other motivations
to fight back against
the Nazis. The Jewish Resistance existed both in the camps and outside the

camps and directly contributed to the downfall of the Nazis. Tens of thousands of Jewish
actively participated in the resistance to the Nazis. Watching loved
ones be harmed or killed
can be a huge motivation for someone to choose to
resist. Having brave, fierce, and stubborn
fighting spirits can bolster many
people's resolution to fight against what they know is wrong.
For some
people, living and not fighting back is a fate worse than death.

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