Saturday, June 25, 2016

How do Matthew Wood, Reverend Gershom, and William Ashby feel about King James in The Witch of Blackbird Pond? What do their views suggest about the...

Matthew Wood and Reverend Gershom have polar opposite
feelings about King James and his
ruling decisions regarding the colony.
Chapter 6 has a great scene in which these two men
heatedly face

"I am mistaken," Matthew Wood

challenged him, "because I do not favor knuckling under to this new King's


"Governor Andros was appointed by King James.

Massachusetts has recognized that."

"Well, we here in
will never recognize itnever! Do you think we have labored and
sacrificed all these years to
build up a free government only to hand it over
now without a murmur?"

Gershom is a Royalist. He believes in the concept of king
and country. He
lives in a colony that is technically under British rule; therefore, he
unwaveringly support the king. On the other side of the spectrum is
Matthew Wood. He enjoys the
distance from Britain's heavy-handed rule, and he
has gotten used to a certain amount of
independence because of that distance.
The Connecticut charter...

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