Sunday, June 26, 2016

In Animal Farm by George Orwell, was the animal revolution successful?

To the
extent that the animal's revolt ousts
the humans from the farm, it is a success, but as far as
achieving any of the
aims of the revolution, the animal's revolt is an utter failure.

At the beginning, listening tobefore the revolt, and in the early days after
rebellion, the animals are full of hope they can build an equal society
with prosperity for all.
They start out with the idea that all the animals
will be equal. They dream of pleasant
retirements and of using the power from
the windmill they will build to have heated stalls and
running water. At
first, they all (or almost all) work together in solidarity to make the farm

But the pigs quickly take power, and under the
corrupt leadership
of, they commandeer almost all the goods the farm produces
for themselves. At the end of the
book, visiting human farmers are impressed
with how much work the pigs get out of the other
animals at such little
expense. The pigs even change the essential commandment...

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