Friday, June 17, 2016

In To Kill A Mockingbird, how does the trial and everything surrounding it change the town of Maycomb?

could argue that the Tom Robinson trial did not have a profound effect on the prejudiced culture
of Maycomb and the town remained ignorant, intolerant, and racist to its core before, during,
and after the trial. However, tensions did rise throughout the community as many citizens
criticized Atticus for defending a black man and publicly ridiculed his children.andcertainly
had to deal with the community's backlash regarding their father's decision to defend Tom, and
Atticus had to risk his life saving Tom Robinson from a lynch mob on the night before the trial.
On the day of the trial, people traveled for miles to witness the spectacle and the community's
attention was directed towards the courthouse.

Atticus understood his racist
community and did not expect to win the case, which is why he was not surprised by the verdict.
Despite the fact that Tom Robinson became a victim of racial injustice, Miss Maudie believes
that the community of Maycomb made a small step towards...

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