Tuesday, October 11, 2016

On what pages are sin and evil personified in The Scarlet Letter?

's seminal
work, clearly has parbolic character.  With Hester's child, , one is
reminded of the New Testament's "pearl of great price" as Hester's shame and
punishment are brought on by the birth of her daughter.  Thus Pearl becomes a symbol of the sin
of passion betweenand the Reverend . This "elf-child" who like a valuable pearl has a
beauty that shines with deep and vivid tints.  Yet, she is referred to by the Puritans as a
"demon offspring," and perceived as the child of sin.  In Chapter VIII, Hester pleas
with the governor to be allowed to keep her child.  She protests,

"Pearl keeps me here in life! Pearl punishes me too!  See ye not she
is the scarlet letter

Dimmesdale supports Hester by saying,

"It was meant,
doubtless, as the mother herself hath told us, for a retribution too; a torture to be felt at
many an unthought-of-moment; a pang, a sting, an ever-recurring agony, in the midst of a trouble

The man who devotes his life to avenging
himself upon the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the man who "violates the sanctity of the
human heart" in his efforts to destroy the man--"he will be mine!"--transforms
himself into what he himself says is "a fiend," and becomes aof evil.  As he
insidiously destroys the inner workings of Dimmesdale's heart, Chillingworth becomes a dark and
craven figure.  He sins against Nature in his violation of Dimmesdale's heart," and he sins
against Hester when he married his young, passionate wife as he could not be a husband to
her. He admits his sin in Chapter XV,

"Mine was the
first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into a false and unnatural relation with my

His sin that he commits against Dimmesdale
is what Hawthorne calls the "unpardonable sin."  This sin is the subordination of the
heart to the intellect, occurring as Chillingworth is willing to sacrifice his fellow man to
gratify his own selfish interest.  These sins of Chillingworth are parabolic in nature, as well;
for, they illustrate two Biblical injunctions, "Judge not lest ye be judged" and
"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."  Chillingworth tries to play God, but transforms
himself into a devil.  By Chapter IX this transformation is evident (in Chapter XIV it is

A large number...affirmed that 's aspect had
undergone a remarkable change while he had dwelt in town, and expecially since his abode with
Mr. Dimmesdale.  At first his expression had been calm, meditative, scholar-like.  Now, there
was something ugly and evil in his face, which they had not previously noticed, and which grew
still the more obvious to sight the oftener they looked upon him.

Symbolic of the kind of passion which accompanies Hester's sin, Pearl is a constant
reminder to Hester of her sin.  Roger Chillingworth transforms himself in his desire for
vengeance into an evil being whose sin is the blackest of all.



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