Thursday, October 13, 2016

What is the Two Minutes Hate from George Orwell's 1984?

The Two
Minutes Hate is a short propaganda program that is aired each day on the telescreen on 's floor
in the Ministry of Truth. It is almost certainly broadcast in all of the other ministries as
well. It usually consists of images of Emmanuel Goldstein, the man portrayed by the Party as an
archtraitor. As he delivers a speech, full of attacks on Big Brother, an image of Eurasian
troops marching behind him flashes on the screen. The effect of the images are to stir up an
almost hysterical frenzy among the observers. People throw things at the screen, and by the end
of the Hate, with Goldstein's voice giving way to that of a sheep, they are in tears, chanting
Big Brother's name. The Hate concludes with the Party slogan on the screen: "WAR IS PEACE;
FREEDOM IS SLAVERY; IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." This daily ritual is designed, obviously, to
create unity in hatred, but for Winston, it has the opposite purpose. It is his reaction to the
Hate one day that makes him decide to keep a journal.


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