Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What approaches do Matthew and Dr. Bulkeley use to testify in Kit's defense in "Witch of Blackbird Pond"?

Matthew Wood
attempts to testify as a character witness.  Although he admits that Kit is "thoughtless
and headstrong at times", he knows she is a good girl at heart and certainly no witch. 
When the Magistrate asks him if he is "willing to vouch for (his) niece's good
character", he responds without hesitation that he will.  When he tries to tell the court
that Kit, by virtue of the kind of person she is could not be guilty of the crimes for which she
is being accused, his meaning is twisted, and he becomes frustrated.  In "steely
anger", he declares emphatically at the end of his testimony, "You can twist what I
say as you will...but I swear before all present, on my word as a freeman of the colony, that
the girl is no witch".

Dr. Bulkeley takes a more legalistic approach in
his testimony.  He cautions, "In my is necessary to use the greatest caution
in the matter of testimony".  He points out that since each of the accusations given to
this point "rest...upon the word of but one witness, the legality of any one of them is
open to question".  Dr. Bulkeley does not speak directly in Kit's behalf as does Matthew,
but he uses his astute legal mind and calm, level-headed demeanor to direct the course of the
trial so that fairness and truth prevail (Chapter 19).

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