Friday, June 2, 2017

What symbols does Joyce use in "Eveline"?

Symbols are objects, situations, words, places, names and so forth, which an author
uses to signify (symbolize) ideas and qualities which are different from their literal meaning.
These symbols, therefore, acquire a specificwhich is defined by the context in which they are
used. The colour red, for example, may have different connotations in different contexts. In one
it may symbolize danger, whilst in another it could signify passion.

uses a variety of symbols in . One which is used early in the story is the window. Eveline looks
through her window to the outside world. The window symbolizes her perception and tells the
reader what she thinks and believes the world outside of her home and her community represents.
We learn through the story that she sees the world as an unknown entity, something that she
actually fears and that she is not prepared to face since it is, for her, better to be
surrounded by what is familiar than that which is not. 

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