Monday, September 25, 2017

How did the Magna Carta lead to the decline of feudalism?

The Magna Carta (Latin for "Great
Charter"), signed in 1215 by King John of England, was a significant and symbolic document
because it limited the powers of the monarchy, ultimately giving more freedom to all
citizensincluding nobility and commoners alike. This eventually led to the dismantling of
feudalism, which was the economic, political, and social system dominant in medieval Europe at
the time (particularly from the ninth through fifteenth centuries).

By 1215,
the citizens of England had grown tired of King John's heavy taxation, political failures, and
military miscalculations (both at home and abroad). Concerned with the possibility of a
rebellion, he agreed to sign the Magna Carta, which granted certain liberties to the people and
prevented the king from abusing powerthus forcing him to consult with others, including the
nobles and clergy, before making decisions.

Thanks to the Magna Carta, the
idea of habeas corpus (Latin for "that you have the body"),
expressed that there has to be a clear reason to keep someone in prison. This is important
because the king had been imprisoning the citizens of England with no specific charges. Through
this charter, the power of the monarchy became more limited, and citizens were gifted more
freedomwhich ultimately brought an end to the feudal system.

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