Saturday, September 16, 2017

When and where does Capulet arrange for Paris and Juliet to meet?

's father,
, actually arranges for Countto meet Juliet twice. First, in Act I, he encourages Paris to see
Juliet at the party Capulet is giving, and in Act III, after he has decided the two should be
married he tells Paris to come to Capulet's on the day of the wedding. The two actually only
meet once outside of 's cell in the opening scene of Act IV. 

In , Count
Paris, who is obviously wealthy and a good match for Juliet, asks Lord Capulet for the girl's
hand in marriage. It really doesn't matter that she is only 13 years old. Paris says that even
younger girls are already having children. It was typical of that time for older men to marry
young girls, and in fact, we are told that Capulet had married his wife when she was quite
young. Capulet is hesitant to give his permission and advises Paris to get to know his daughter
and persuade Juliet to fall in love with him. Capulet says,

But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a

Shakespeare never tells us whether Paris talks to
Juliet at the party. Instead the party scene, , is dominated by the meeting between .

In Act III, after the deaths ofand , Capulet finally gives his consent for Paris to
marry his daughter. Of course, Juliet is already married. When Juliet seeks advice from Friar
Lawrence in , she meets Paris, who is under the impression that they will soon be married.
Juliet hides her true feelings and attempts to quickly end the conversation.

The last arranged meeting is interrupted by Juliet's supposed death. Paris comes to
Capulet's for the wedding but the Nurse has discovered Juliet dead in her room. We realize for
the first time how much Paris really loves Juliet when he says,

Beguiled, divorc¨d, wrong¨d, spited, slain!
Most detestable death, by
thee beguiled,
By cruel, cruel thee quite overthrown!
O love! O life! Not
life, but love in death!
The last time we see Paris
he is confrontingat the tomb. Because he knows nothing of the secret love he thinks Romeo is
vandalizing the Capulet vault. They fight and Paris becomes one of the six casualties in
Shakespeare's play.



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