Thursday, November 27, 2008

How does Mr.Hooper respond when the parishioners first react to his veil in "The Minister's Black Veil"?

The members of
the congregation of Mr. Hooper are filled with astonishment when they see their minister with a
black veil covering the lower part of his face as he steps out his door. But, Mr.
Hooper continues on his way deliberately, bending somewhat to look at the ground, yet
"nodding kindly" to the members of the congregation who remain on the steps of the

After Mr. Hooper dons the black veil and steps
out his door, the sexton who watches because the minister's presence is the signal to ring the
church bell, cries out in amazement, "But what has good Parson Hooper got upon his
face?" The others are so shocked to see that he has covered all but his eyes with a black
veil that when he passes them and nods with gentleness toward them, few return his

This reaction toward the Reverend Mr. Hooper intensifies the longer
that he wears the veil because people wonder if he is trying to hide something or if he sees in
their faces some secret sin and, lest he reveal to others this sin, he shields his face. At any
rate, they are threatened by the wearing of this veil, and sense a growing discomfiture around
him. For this reason, Mr. Hooper is not invited to share Sunday dinners or attend weddings any

Therefore, rather than causing his congregation to become open about
their human sins, the veil serves only to isolate Mr. Hooper himself. In fact, on his deathbed
when he is asked by an attending minister to remove his veil so that others may see his
"triumphant aspect" as he goes to "his reward," Mr. Hooper adamantly

When the friend shows his inmost heart to his
friend, the lover to his best-beloved; when man does not vainly shrink from the eye of his
Creator, loathsomely treasuring up the secret of his sin,then deem me a monster for the symbol
beneath which I have lived and die. I look around me, and, lo! on every visage a black

And, so, Mr. Hooper is buried with the veil
upon his corpse, having desired to teach a moral lesson by wearing this veil as a symbol of the
veil of falseness that each man and woman wears to conceal secret sins.

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