Saturday, November 1, 2008

What are the three categories of sin that Dante used in classification of sin (from Dante's Inferno)?

Hollis Sanders

Inferno consists largely of a description of Hell and the various
ironic punishments that await sinners of every variety. There are many different horrendous
torments that await sinners, all representing some varying degree of agony. So numerous are
these sins that they comprise the nine circles of hell, with some circles being broken up into
sub-categories. However, each and every one of them falls, according to Dante, into one of three
categories of sin.

The first type of sin is the sin of incontinence, also
known as wantonness. Essentially, these are sins that are committed in moments of weaknessone
gives into temptation and sins, even though the sin was not directly harmful to others. These
sins include lust, gluttony, wastefulness, and other sins that typically revolve around an
inability or unwillingness to control one's appetite.

The second type of
sin is violence, or bestiality. This type of sin revolves around crimes that are committed due
to wrath or anger, and as they...


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