Friday, November 14, 2008

What are three of the lessons that Scout learns throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, and their effect on the maturation of her character?

First,learns her own lesson in prejudice through her interactions with . Without
knowing him at all, she, Dill, anddecide this reclusive soul is a monstrous and frightening
bogeyman. Even with evidences of his kindness staring her in the face--the blanket he puts
around her shoulders on the cold night of Miss Maudie's fire and the gifts he leaves for her and
Jem, for example--she persists in being frightened of him as a creepy and malevolent being. Only
after he saves her and Jem by stabbing Mr. Ewell, who is trying to kill them, does Scout come to
realize Boo's goodness.

Second, Scout learns throughthat one should not
flaunt gifts that are merely granted one through the grace of God. After she looks down on
Atticus for not being as young and athletic as her schoolmates' parents, she discovers he is an
expert sharpshooter when he kills a rabid dog plaguing the neighborhood. This helps teach her
that people can be more than they seem on the outside--as does her...

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