Saturday, November 22, 2008

What are some quotes that show that Friar Lawrence is a father figure to Romeo?

Just as we
should consider the Nurse a parental figure tothe same could be said for the Friar and .not only
shows his affection for Romeo but he also gives him fatherly advice on more than one

In , the Friar, as a father would, chastises Romeo for being out
all night and for falling in love with another girl after so soon being in love with Rosaline.
The Friar comments:

Young mens love then
Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.

The Friar is often giving guidance to Romeo (unfortunately Romeo doesn't listen)
about how the young man should handle his new love for Juliet. In the marriage scene, , he urges
Romeo to take things slow and to be patient. He says,

Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so.
Too swift arrives as tardy as
too slow.
The Friar is at
his most fatherly after Romeo has killedand is distraught over being banished. Romeo is acting
quite immaturely as he cries to the Friar about having to leave Verona and lose access to
Juliet. The Friar reminds Romeo that he is actually fortunate.could have sentenced Romeo to
death for fighting in the streets, as he promised in Act I, but instead he exiles
The Friar tells Romeo to be patient and
to go to Mantua and let things calm down. Once some time has healed a few wounds, the Friar
tells Romeo the two lovers can once again be reunited. In :

Go, get thee to thy love, as was decreed.
Ascend her chamber.
Hence and comfort her.
But look thou stay not till the watch be set,
For then
thou canst not pass to Mantua,
Where thou shalt live till we can find a
To blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends,
Beg pardon of the Prince,
and call thee back
With twenty hundred thousand times more joy
Than thou
wentst forth in lamentation.

As with a father (Friar means father), Lawrence loves Romeo and wants what is best
for him. This love, however, blinds the Friar to the true consequences of his indulgence of
Romeo's impetuous actions. The Friar should have consulted with the parents at some point to
avert the final .

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