Monday, June 15, 2009

Consider Harrison Bergeron in terms of both his physical qualities and personality traits.

Vonnegut's future American society,
extremely talented individuals are forced to wear cumbersome
handicaps, ugly
masks, and tremendous earphones due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments
the Constitution, which ensure that every citizen must be completely equal
in every facet. The
fourteen-year-oldis an anomaly and represents the most
talented individuals in society. Harrison
stands seven feet tall and is
forced to wear extremely cumbersome handicap weights, which are
described as
being a combination of "Halloween and hardware." In addition to the
weights on his body, Harrison is also forced to wear a huge pair of earphones,
spectacles that impair his vision, and a red rubber ball for a nose.
Harrison's metal handicaps
weigh three hundred pounds and he is described as
looking like a "walking junkyard."
Despite his handicaps, Harrison is able to
escape from prison, take over a television station,
rid himself of his
handicaps, and declare that he is Emperor. Harrison's actions suggest that he

is not only rebellious and determined, but also naturally inclined to be in a position
of power
and rise to the top of society. Unfortunately, Harrison is killed by
Diana Moon Glampers, who
prevents him from usurping power and taking over the

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