Saturday, June 6, 2009

What are three examples of selfishness in "Animal Farm?"

As others
have mentioned, the pigs have more or less cornered the market on selfishnessbut not entirely.
Mollie shows her selfishness when she shirks her duty by getting up late and leaving work early.
She will only learn the letters of her name and no others. She hides lumps of sugar and ribbons
for herself. She finally goes back to pulling a cart for a human. Mollie is interested in her
own well-being more than helping others or working for a cause greater than her own

The cat disappears when it is time for work and then shows up for
meals, also not pulling her weight.

But the pigs, by far, are the most
selfish creatures on . They care only about their own well-being and are willing to work the
other animals to the bone to live in comfort. Even early on, they take milk and a windfall of
apples for themselves, not sharing with the other animals. , of course, lies vigorously, denying
that the pigs are selfish:

You do not imagine, I hope,
that we pigs are doing...

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