Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Who Are The Souls Tortured In This Canto

 was written by Italian
writerin 1320. It is divided into three parts, which are entitled Inferno,
Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Inferno
is the depiction of hell. Purgatorio is the depiction of what Catholics
believe is a state of "limbo," meaning the soul is not in heaven or hell.
Paradiso, or paradise,  is the depiction of heaven. 

There are different levels of torture in the inferno, depending on the sins committed.
In "limbo," people are not fit to enter heaven, but they aren't tortured either. They
live in perpetual sorrow. Among those in living in this level are philosophers, authors, and
children who have not been baptized. Notable people in this level are Caesar, Homer, Virgil,
Socrates, and Aristotle.

Level two is where the lustful are tormented. Souls
are tormented by winds of desire. Among those in this level are Cleopatra and Helen of

Gluttons are tortured in the third level. They live in mud amid the
eternal rain. They are tormented by Cerberus the three-headed dog.

Level four
is where the greedy dwell. They are those who hoarded wealth and lived greedily. Plutus, the
demon of wealth, lives here.

Level five is the river Styx. This is where the
vengeful, cruel, and hateful souls are tormented. 

Heretics are doomed to
level six. These are those who refused to believe in God and the afterlife. They are tormented
by the Furies.

Level seven is for the violent, assassins, war-mongers, and
tyrants. It's guarded by the minotaur. In this level, people who commit suicide are found.
Blasphemers and sodomites also dwell in this level. 

Level eight is for
sorcerers, fortune-tellers, magicians, diviners, pimps, and hypocrites. They are tortured by
leprosy, among other things. 

Level nine is where Satan dwells. It is a
freezing place devoid of light. It's for traitors against God and man. Those tortured here are
Judas, who betrayed Jesus, and Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Julius

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