Friday, June 12, 2009

Explain the 5 principles of democracy.

Democracy is
government by the people (direct) or by their elected representatives (indirect). Ancient Greece
practiced the "direct" form while the US practices the "indirect"

Democracy has been the cornerstone of American government from its
inception in the late eighteenth century. The Founding Fathers rejected monarchy and
aristocracy. Democracy is complex, and it is not possible to unequivocally list its five most
important tenets, but most modern democracies share certain key characteristics.

First, they have freedom of the press. Without free access to information, it is not
possible for the people or voters to carry out their responsibilities. Second, democracies
follow the rule of law. The Constitution is the ultimate set of laws in the United States. Most
other democracies also have a written constitution.

Finally, democracy is
based on ideas promulgated during the Enlightenment in Europe. John Locke, Montesquieu, and
other intellectuals laid the foundations for modern democracytheir eloquent concepts influenced
the Founding Fathers.

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