Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In 1984, what is the significance of the junk shop, thought police, vaporizing, junior anti-sex league, and Chestnut Tree Cafe?

The junk
shop, the thought police, and vaporizing people are all ways of enforcing orthodoxy and weeding
out undesirables.

The junk shop is the trickiest, as it operates on
deception. Just as flies are attracted to and then trapped by honeypots, so too are people with
the wrong kind of thought patterns attracted to Mr. Charrington's junk shop. Mr. Charrington
poses as an elderly prole interested in historic artifacts, but he is actually a member of the
Thought Police, out to entrap the unwary. One of his victims is , who buys into the deception
hook, line, and sinker.

The Thought Police arrest people whose behavior or
thoughts are in any way perceived to deviate from the norm. Even talking aloud in one's sleep
can attract the Thought Police. Vaporizing is when people not only disappear but have their
existence erased. Both the Thought Police and vaporizing are forms of terror.

The junior anti-sex league is part of the Party's long-term plan to eradicate all joy
from people's lives except the joy of triumph. The Chestnut Street Cafe is where people who have
been arrested and released congregateit is a place many people avoid for that

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