Wednesday, May 24, 2017

In Oedipus the King, I need to write a letter to Sophocles that tells my opinion of the play's developments.

Much of
this will have to be driven by your own
opinion about the work.  This will have to come from
reflection and thought
about the work and what it means to you.  I think that one of the most

pressing issues I would want to askis how he felt in constructing a character that
endures so
much in way of suffering.  From a literary and dramatic level, it
is difficult to find a
character that endures more thandoes.  I would want to
know if Sophocles felt any pity or mercy
towards him in constructing him, or
if he felt that the lessons learned from Oedipus would be
strong enough so
that individuals needed to see a portrait of intense suffering without any

mitigation.  I think that another level of questioning that I would want to know similar
to this
would be where Sophocles' inspiration for Oedipus resided.  Seeing
that Oedipus becomes a
significantfor all drama and all that comes from it, I
would want to know what served as
inspiration for him and from where he
derived it in developing the character of Oedipus.  If I
were to ask
Sophocles anything in this domain, it would reside in this


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