Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What makes 1984 a classic?

That's a
very good question. Most people will have their own idea of what counts as a classic, but for
myself I would say that a classic should, at the very least, deal with universalthat speak to
many different people throughout the ages, in all cultures and civilizations, and I would argue
that fits that description perfectly.

In an age of fake
news, with its unbridled attack on truth through the cynical distortion and manipulation of
language, the dystopian world of Oceania takes on a special relevance to contemporary Western
society, but 1984 also gives us much more than that. It speaks to those in
the developing world, most of whom live under brutal, repressive dictatorships. Such appalling
regimes, no less than the one-party state of Oceania, systematically lie to their own people
while keeping them in a state of permanent subjection.

Also, in the character
of, one can see the power of the human spirit to transcend the harshest conditions and the very

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