Thursday, May 11, 2017

What are some quotes or examples of Big Brother's abuse of his absolute power or Winston's lack of power and control over his life in 1984? Im...

I've never read
A Clockwork Orange, so I won't make the comparison, butis
all about the abuse of Big Brother's power. One of the main points of the
book is to show how the goal of the Party is to have absolute control over the lives of all
citizens, including of course, the life of .  There are the Thought Police, introduced in the
first chapter, who monitor people through telescreens, spies, and any other means possible. 
They want to make sure that no one shows any emotion or expression other than the those deemed
appropriate by the Party.  The Party is developing a new language, Newspeak, that will take away
from people the words to express disfavor of Big Brother and the Party.  The Party's slogan,
"Ignorance is Strength", means that by keeping the people unaware of what is really
happening, they can more easily control people. By the time the book ends, Winston believes that
2 + 2 = 5 because he has been so brainwashed by the Party.  He was brainwashed byusing torture
methods, but as much as he fought it, he finally succumbed and believes that Big Brother loves
him.  This is when, of course, Winston will be killed by the Party.

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