Friday, May 26, 2017

What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?

There are lots of common
rhyme schemes that a
poem might have.You will want to examine the final words of the lines and

figure out which ones rhyme; this is called end
English or Shakespearean
typically has a rhyme scheme that
follows this pattern:
ababcdcdefefgg.This means that the first and third lines rhyme, the second

and fourth lines rhyme, the fifth and seventh lines rhyme, the sixth and eighth lines
rhyme, the
ninth and eleventh lines rhyme, the tenth and twelfth lines rhyme,
and the thirteenth and
fourteenth lines rhyme.An Italian or
Petrarchan sonnet
follows this pattern:
abbaabbacdecde or abbaabbacdcdcd, for example.Some poems are written in

rhyming couplets, which means that the first and second
lines would
rhyme, the third and fourth lines would rhyme, and so on:
aabbccddeeffgg, and so on.Many poems
are written in stanzas that follow this
pattern: abab cdcd efef ghgh, and so

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